Former colleague Mr Theofanis Alexandris had been an active Lawyer for fifty consecutive years and distinguished himself almost through the entire range of commercial and civil Law. For decades, he had been in charge of the Legal Department of major import companies in the vehicle industry (NISSAN, PEUGEOT, DAEWOO, CHEVROLET), whereas for years he served as member of the Board of Directors of Ε.Ο.Μ.Μ.Ε.Χ. (Greek Organization for the Support of Small and Medium-Sized Companies and Handicrafts).
Today, he participates (pro bono) in the Boards of Directors of the non-profit B. & M. Theocharakis Foundation for Music and Fine Arts, Perseus S.A. (Metropolitan Clinic) and the insurance company EUROPEAN UNION S.A..
He was member of the Board of Director of the G. Gounaropoulos Museum, as well as in numerous cultural associations. Furthermore, in terms of his social and political engagement, he served as municipal councillor and Chairman for the Municipal Board of the Municipality of Zographos for almost twenty-five years and several terms respectively.
Although currently a retired Lawyer, Theofanis Alexandris always remains abreast of current affairs, graces our Firm with his presence and is prompt to provide our Firm with his life-long, valuable experience and expertise.